The Power of Saying Thank You to God

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The Power Of Saying Thank You To God


Saying ‘Thank You’ to God is easy and simple to do. But it can have one of the biggest impacts in your life! This is the power of saying ‘Thank You’ to God:


1. You Will Connect With Him!

God has given you so many things!

Most people don’t realize SHEAR AMOUNT of things God has given us and DONE for us!

God has given you:

Love | Grace  | Mercy | Understanding | Kindness | Jesus | Life | Parents | This DAY | Success | A Passion | Faith | Wisdom | Jesus | Joy | Friends | Family | Peace | A Body | A Soul | A Spirit | A House | Health | Food | Water | Money | A Bed | Jesus | Education | Your Eyesight | Your Hearing | Your Ability To Love | Unexpected Blessing | Jesus | etc.

He also gave us Jesus!! Who DIED for you, so that you could have eternal life!

True, not everyone has all these things. In fact, most of us don’t have all these things. But thank Him in advance for what’s already yours! Thank Him for His promises!

Read about His promises, then it will be even easier to thank Him for them. Thank Him for all the things He has already given you because many people are in far worse situations than you are.

Imagine a relationship where you never say ‘Thank You’ to each other. That’s no relationship!

It’s the same with God. Because you thank Him for everything, you develop a much better relationship with Him.

P.S. I have started a series on my YouTube channel called ‘Testimonies of Titans’ that YOU can take part in HERE

2. There are Unlimited Ways of Saying ‘Thank You’

One of the most beautiful and powerful things about God is He always works in new ways.

Isaiah 43:11 says:

‘For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.’

In the same way, you can say ‘Thank You’ to Him in many different ways!

You can praise Him by singing worship songs, by helping others, or simply saying ‘Thank You’ and being grateful.

Doing anything that honors God is like saying ‘Thank You’ to Him.

What’s your passion? What is the thing you love and are good at? Give Him all the glory for that thing! He has given it to you!

3. Say ‘Thank You’ for the Hard Times

99% of people spend their time being miserable and ungrateful because of their struggles. They think God doesn’t love them and has abandoned them.

They believe Satan’s lies.

But the truth is God loves you too much not to change you. The only way we can change is by going through struggles and hard times.

Be grateful for the times that tested you. Because they have changed you, molded you and shaped you into a warrior for God!

They have made you appreciate the good times!

They have made you strong, courageous, patient, wise, disciplined, powerful, loving, experienced, motivated, fearless and free!

Without hard times, you will have no future…

So praise God! Lift up your hands and say, ‘THANK YOU!’


To Conclude:

God has already given us so much more than we could ever imagine! Just saying ‘Thank You’ will help you connect with Him like never before!

You can say ‘Thank You’ in multiple ways, from worship to helping others. Give glory to Him in everything you do.

The hard times make you shine! So be grateful for them.

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